Student Success Stories

It’s time for you to hop on the plane to your wildest dreams and walk the trails of those who’re basking in glory on the other side of it…

Hey, aspiring creator. I see you – staring mindlessly at the computer screen, trying to charge through the day caffeinated, with nothing truly filling the void that’s come to exist in life. I know, because I’ve been you.

But between the endless Zoom calls and zero energy after a work day – too many times I’ve let the “What if I fail” voices get the best of me. Too many times I’ve let go of following the curiosities that lit up my dreary life.  Because you’re on this page, I know you’re feeling all of it in your bones. I also know that you’re way too smart to pass up on the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a living as a creator, doing what truly makes your soul happy.

I hope browsing through the journeys of 4000+ students who’ve been through the Influencer Mastercourse ™ fuels your creator dreams too.

On the other side of saying “Yes” to their creator dreams…

The last year since I joined the Influencer Mastercourse has been a whirlwind! Within the first 3 months of purchasing the course, I was already getting paid by brands. Fast forward to today, I have a community of over 100k followers, work with brands like Adobe and Notion, and made 2x my old corporate salary. Before joining the course, I had never invested in myself, and I felt like I was taking a huge risk. The investment came back 100-fold, and we are just getting started! 

“I have a community of over 100k followers, work with brands like Adobe and Notion, and made 2x my old corporate salary.”


I used to think that I was too old, too ordinary, and that crochet was too narrow a niche for me to build my dream life in. One year ago, I had 800 followers on Instagram and absolutely no idea what I was doing. I sold maybe one pattern every few days, and I was soooo far away from living my dream life as my own boss. Then I joined the Influencer Master Course. In less than a year I have grown my Instagram to 125K followers. I have had multiple reels go viral (the first one only weeks after joining the course). I am currently building my own website and online course. And I am loving EVERY DAY as a crochet designer and content creator. The Influencer Master Course and Catarina has totally transformed my beliefs about myself and what my life can be. 

“I have multiple best-selling patterns on Etsy and during the last six months I have sold about 10 000 patterns.”


Since joining the course, I started a new Instagram account that has grown to 92k, and my TikTok account has grown to 142k followers. Apart from multi 4-figure brand deals, I've also gone on several all-expense paid trips to places like Cancun, Cabo San Lucas, and Japan and I've also been invited on press trips with cruise lines. If this is something you're passionate about and you are willing to put in the work, you will see the results! The Influencer Mastercourse gives you all the tools and support you need to succeed.

“I'm consistently landing multiple 4-figure deals with incredible brands like the Hilton, MasterCard, and Tourism Boards every month.”


Let's do it!

The Influencer Mastercourse changed my life! Just a year and a half ago, I had 2k followers. I'd been posting for almost 2 years with no strategy or idea of how to grow, much less monetize. I finally decided to invest in myself and join Catarina's course. And today? I've left my 9-5, I'm a full-time content creator, and I have an audience of over 300k across Instagram and TikTok. Truly, my only regret is that I waited to enroll until I felt "ready" instead of just going for it!

“I've left my 9-5, I'm a full-time content creator, and I have an audience of over 300k across Instagram and TikTok.”

Since I took the course about a year and a half ago, I’ve reached over 110k followers, multi-million views on some reels, 3 million+ impressions some months, and I landed a handful of paid collaborations (a couple over $1,000), including one with Destination Queenstown, New Zealand! I now charge way more for my services than I otherwise would have, and I started a TikTok account that’s gotten over 13k in just 6 months. I was wary of investing in the course since it’s a lot of money! But I could tell Catarina is trustworthy, that she teaches clear paths to follow, and she is a very cool human to have on my team.

“I made my money back on my very first brand deal!”

Since joining the Influencer Mastercourse, I've gained over 50k followers on Tiktok, had multiple Tiktok & Reels go viral, and landed multiple brand partnerships, including names like M&M's, Expedia, and Chevrolet, to name a few. I've gotten so many paid brand partnerships since joining the course that the course has paid itself multiple times over at this point. 

“The course has paid itself multiple times over at this point.”

“I grew 80K in less than 3 months - which enabled me to live my dream life in Bali”

- Kevin

“I landed my first collaboration with a tourism board with only 18 followers”

- Tania

“I'm working towards my true life purposes instead of being tied to my desk 9-5!”

- Anastasia

32k new followers from viral reels!

Signed 2 brand partnerships in 1.5 months after enrolling

£1.8k from paid collabs + £13k in products

100k new followers + thousands of $ in paid collabs

"60k new IG followers + 1k on Tiktok in 7 day

Several brand partnerships with <1k followers

let's do it!

 Let's iron things out, shall we?

but wait

There's a good chance you’ve let a few roadblocks hinder your creator success.

Roadblock 1: You can't be a successful creator with a small following. 

When in reality, micro-influencers are the hottest thing in the influencer marketing world right now. 

“I have secured my first brand deal with a hotel and spa, amazing alignment with my niche, and I have under 2k followers!”

– Emani (IG aim4themhoon)

Then with only 6k followers I landed a whole 2 week stay in Finland, all collaborations with 5 different hotels and excursions. With 8,000 followers I landed an all expenses paid trip to Dubai to promote a tour agency there, I stayed in a 5* hotel, went to beach clubs, waterparks, yacht trips, desert excursions all included - it was a real pinch me moment! With Catarinas help I have built a strong foundation for my page and consistently create high performing content so I am now in a situation where brands and hotels reach out to me. 

“My first hotel collaboration was with the Hilton in London which looked onto the shard - this was with less than 5k followers.”

– Tia (IG @teetravels_)

“I got a paid partnership and broke $3000 in 1 month and I have less than a 1000 followers.”

– Marcela (@eatlikeabadass)

I started this course 2 months or so ago and really took the material in slowly and have been very international with utilizing the strategies Catarina teaches in every post. I actually was sick in the hospital the first month purchasing the course and remained patient, took care of my health first, and then recommitted myself to working!! It's month two of being consistent with posting and using my new strategy, and I have secured my first brand deal with a hotel and spa, amazing alignment with my niche, and I have under 2k followers!! My engagement has grown tremendously since utilizing Catarina's course!

When in reality, the Influencer Mastercourses students have thrived no matter their niche.

Roadblock 2: Only a few select niches are monetizable. 

“I collaborated with a UK company to promote their UK weekend escape package”

– Lauren, Travel Creator
IG @princesswithabackpack

…and one offered me a 2-day stay, including breakfast and dinners! 

“I got two collaborations with two different hotels abroad in the same city”

– Sylvia, Health & Fitness Influencer (IG @fit.with.sylvia)

“Just 1.5 years after starting the course, my social media (120k followers) can now support me full-time”

– Anastasia, Science & Tech Creator
(IG & Tiktok @amarchenkova
 Youtube @AnastasiaMarchenkovaQuantum)

The collaboration included a brand new Range Rover for the weekend (˜$900), 2 nights in a suite at an English Hotel & Spa (˜$1,200), and a wine-pairing dinner for two (~$400).

“Since strictly following the tips from Catarina, I've grown from 1.5k to 30k in only two months”

– Lauren, Travel Creator
IG @princesswithabackpack

Before joining the Influencer Mastercourse, I was totally at the beginning of my journey as a Fashion influencer and was struggling with so many things. I didn't even know if it was worth it to be an influencer. Since joining the course, my Instagram and my skills have developed a lot! I'm much more confident presenting myself and creating content now. But the best is that since strictly following the tips from Catarina, I've grown from 1.5k to 30k in only two months. I started doing collaborations now, and I'm growing my audience daily! I am at over 60k now.

let's do it →

When in reality I'm an introvert myself, and most of our successful students started with as much self-doubt as you're probably feeling right now

Roadblock #3: Only self-confident extroverts can make it as a content creator

“I've also gained so much more confidence with talking to the camera and showing up on stories, which is something I struggled a lot with before”

– SHARON, Travel Creator

Before I joined, I was feeling lost and confused about how to grow my audience and how to turn my passion for social media into a lucrative business. But Catarina's insight and guidance has been a game-changer for me. Since joining the Influencer Mastercourse, I've achieved some insane wins that I never thought were possible! I've worked with my biggest dream brands (Jack in the Box, Cinnabon, and Popeyes). I gained almost 4k followers since joining the course. I landed my first paid brand partnership and made over $10k from this partnership alone! I still pinch myself every day.

“This course has truly transformed my influencer mindset and helped me achieve my wildest dreams!”

– Chelle (IG @eatlikeabadass)

Following Catarina's advice, I have started a brand new account and have recently received a free product from an established shoe brand worth £220 with less than 200 followers! I also had a reel hit over 15k views, and have had consistently high engagement on all my other posts. I've also gained so much more confidence with talking to the camera and showing up on stories, which is something I struggled a lot with before. The continued value that the course brings to my journey as a content creator, especially the lives that Catarina does every month, has been amazing! 

“I finally started asking myself the right questions”

– Olya Venger

The Influencer Master course was really transformative for me - because I finally started asking myself the right questions: what do I actually want to share with people, what value do I want to bring, what goals to achieve? I’m still going through this transformation and I feel that everyday I’m closer to my own self and finding more answers on how I can actually stand out and be a real me in the mass of social media content. I started my new account just 2 months ago and I’ve been growing slowly (now I have 320 followers), but my reach and engagement has never been so high! I had one reel going viral (25+ K views) when I had just 200 followers! 

Influencer Mastercourse ™ is the *only* handbook you’ll need to learn everything it takes to build a wildly successful creator career. 

Like Instagram & TikTok growth formulas that work in 2024…

“I followed every rule that Catarina showcased in her Reels lesson, and ever since then, I have reached over 1M organic views”

– Reya (IG @hellareya)

We've been posting consistently for less than a year and finally hit 100k! I also signed my biggest collaboration to date with this account for $1.5k for usage rights and whitelisting. I came from a background in social media management and marketing I still learned from Catarina's course, and I'm so glad I took the leap!

“Hit a milestone today of 100k on Tiktok!”

– Sandra (TikTok @ryderthedal)

 I finally learned how I can brainstorm content ideas, have a clearer vision of my mission and purpose, and also figure out how to advocate for myself and my talent. I followed every rule that Catarina showcased in her Reels lesson, and ever since then, I have reached over 1M organic views. But most importantly, the influencer course has taught me never to be afraid of advocating for myself, my work, and my talent. The Mastercourse has taught me professional practices of how to put myself out there through pitch decks and how to get over my fear of negotiation. 

“I've grown my follower base by over 110k. I’ve had several videos going viral, including one with 14M views”

– Lorie (IG @leausongeante)

Before joining the Influencer Mastercourse, I had been trying to grow my account for 3/4 months with no success. My content was messy, and I had no strategy. Since joining the course in March 2022, I’ve achieved so much, and I’m so proud and grateful. I've grown my follower base by over 110k. I’ve had several videos going viral, including one with 14M views. I landed 3 paid partnerships for several thousand dollars, and I am currently working on several partnerships with companies connected to my niche.  

From 0 → 65k followers on a new page

"I started Catarina’s course last year, and I have applied everything she taught me right away. When I started her course, I had an Instagram with 12k followers but very low engagement. Catarina’s course encouraged me to start again from 0, so a few months ago, I opened a brand new Instagram page. Her course helped me narrow my niche and find my passion, and ‘boy, was she right! I have grown to over 65k followers since then. 

– Feyza

“My followers have tripled since Influencer Mastercourse”

– Kate (IG @thehappytravelgirl)

And negotiation skills to woo brands for highly paid collabs…

“I learned not only how to pitch brands (and have done it successfully a few times) but also realized I had a lot of gaps in the basics of establishing my brand.”

– Diana (IG @dianaperillachica)

I had a goal of signing collabs for €2,500 in December, and I made it! I am so proud of myself because I renegotiated a higher price on every deal offered to me.

“I renegotiated a higher price on every deal offered to me”

– Monica (IG @monicakjellemo)

Thanks to Catarina and the amazing FB group, I finally decided to start a new account that's been performing much better (13K in 6 months), worked with a brand I wanted to work for a long time (Dell), got some viral Reels, and have landed collabs with hotels I could only dream of in places like Santorini and Puglia (Italy). The course has also helped me with managing impostor syndrome. My confidence as a content creator and as a person has improved tremendously.

“I sent my rates and turned this around to triple the pay and with half the amount of stories required”

– Jackie (IG @joujoutravels)

Since joining the course, I have grown my account by over 100k followers in only 3 months after a stagnant year…I am also learning not to make mistakes when negotiating brand deals. I recently was approached by a brand who said they could only pay $900 for 1 reel and 6 stories. I sent my rates and turned this around to triple the pay and with half the amount of stories required.

Since joining the course, I have grown my account by over 100k followers in only 3 months after a stagnant year…I am also learning not to make mistakes when negotiating brand deals. I recently was approached by a brand who said they could only pay $900 for 1 reel and 6 stories. I sent my rates and turned this around to triple the pay and with half the amount of stories required.

“Catarina shared her invoice template and email pitch template, and I used all that to pitch two different clients - and that’s how I ended up with my very first client”

– Kat (IG @katbennettphoto)

And a proven playbook to become the go-to voice in your niche …

“Catarina’s knowledge and advice has helped me stand out across social media and attract a like-minded community!”

– Lyndsey Widner, (IG @wanderingstreetstyle) 

The influencer master course taught me the ins and outs about Instagram including the algorithms, how to define your niche, photoshop techniques, monetization methods... and many more. It is really beyond what I paid for and Catarina is such an enthusiastic and intelligent mentor. I would really recommend this to anyone who's interested in building a side-business as a creator.

“I would really recommend this to anyone who's interested in building a side-business as a creator” 

– Winnie Guo (IG winnie_guo1012)

I joined Catarina’s Mastercourse and it was the best decision I've ever made! She really helped me narrow down my niche and gave me the confidence to take that leap of faith to pursue a dream of mine. Catarina's course has also helped in many other key elements when it comes to content creation like editing, reels, captions, and connecting with brands. I've only been doing content creation for about three months now, but I've already seen a change and growth on instagram. I'm super excited to see where I'll go with content creation!

Like every journey, the time it will take to reach your destination depends on how fast you can go. 

Listen to what my student community has accomplished in a matter of months 

Every step of the way, you’ll have my guidance to fall back on. 

“The monthly Q&A with Catarina is always insightful & also comforting” 

You learn many different things about how to grow on Instagram. Catarina’s experience is valuable in moments of doubt. She’s inspiring & very supportive of her community. She always invests more time than she is allocated to ensure she answers as many questions as possible.

– Sophie

“I am so much more confident now having the support of not only Catarina but her team, as well as the other content creators I have met through our private Facebook group”

Before joining the Influencer Mastercourse, I was just mainly posting photos of my travels without direction. Since joining the course, I've learned to create content that I am proud of and that people are interacting with. I've also had a reel of the great wildebeest migration hitting 275,000 views after using one of Catarina's tips! Lastly, I've landed a huge collaboration, one that I was not sure I would ever get - an all-expenses-paid trip to Club Med for a week in the French Alps! I am so much more confident now having the support of not only Catarina but her team, as well as the other content creators I have met through our private Facebook group.

– Kayla

And the support from our active community of students and course coaches in our private nook of the internet.

Ready to build your very own successful creator business, so you can live the life you know you're meant for?

“Watching my content go viral along with the influx of new followers flooding my account was like winning the social media lottery!”

– Karen Arrington

Since joining the course, I've had a viral reel with 9.4M views and gained around 35k followers. I've also joined a content creator trip with one week of everything paid in Tanzania with safari.

“I've had a viral reel with 9.4M views and gained around 35k followers”

– Nanna (IG @dailytravelmoment) 

Ever since diving into Catarina's Influencer Master Course, my influencer game has gone from zero to shero! Within less than two months of implementing Catarina's strategies, I witnessed three of my reels going viral with 7.5 million, 6.8 million, and 750K views respectively. And wait for follower count skyrocketed from 5,000 to a jaw-dropping 14,000! Catarina's expertise and best practices not only guided me through uncharted territories but also instilled confidence in my ability to thrive in the influencer landscape.

“I landed my FIRST PAID collab with less than 2k followers”

– Tania (IG & Tiktok @mexicanmomtravels)

These are a few of my most recent wins since joining the course: I landed a free stay for 2 nights in one of the most iconic hotels in Finland, worked with 2 Finnish design brands for the winter collection, landed my FIRST PAID collab with a Glamping Resort in Helsinki, and I have landed five collaboration in Mexico, including one with the Tourism Board. And all of this with less than 2k followers. The Influencer Mastercourse is life-changing!

I want to thank Catarina for creating the Influencer Mastercourse. My dreams are coming true because of the hard work that she put into this course, ensuring that the content creators who enrolled have a blueprint for how to create the best content and so much more. The live Q&As are also so amazing to have!

“My dreams are coming true because of the hard work that she put into this course”

– Kayla

“In October alone, I signed £12k worth of partnerships and got our first UK family resort paid campaign”

– Abhilasha

I started the course 11 months ago at 28k followers with no direction on how to grow. We just hit 50k followers this week, as one of our reels got 1.2M views. In October alone, I signed £12k worth of partnerships and got our first UK family resort paid campaign. I cannot thank Catarina enough for the direction and how to monetize the account. 

“It was the best decision of my life”

– Alyssa

Become an insider 

No-BS insight into growing and monetizing your social media written by yours truly—straight to your inbox. 

Pssst, you'll also get a sneak peek on how I run my business and hear the lessons I've learned along the way. You in?